Friday, May 21, 2010

Friday cat blogging--happy birthday edition

Tarzan and Ziggy Stardust are four years old some time this month. They are brothers who were rescued from a feral colony, came to our house to be fostered, and wound up living here. They still enjoy fighting every day. Tarzan is good friends with our patch tortie, Velma, but has a difficult relationship with her sister, Roxie (otherwise known as The Queen of Everything). Ziggy enjoys playing chase and toy mouse games with both sisters, but his special project is spending as much time as he can with Roxie.


  1. Happy Birthday, you guys! Great shots that I enjoy every week. My husband too!

    (PS) I used to be just Sunny but on another list there was another Sunny so I added initials.

  2. Thanks, Sunny. They are characters, I can assure you.

  3. O My! Tarzan is carbon copy of my Apollo! All the way down to the brown patch on his belly. They must be related!

  4. Tarzan is going straight to :)
