Friday, March 27, 2009

Friday cat blogging--lap time edition


  1. Tarzan says it was worth it to be taken from the feral colony in a cardboard box for this.

  2. Doesn't look too feral, does he?

  3. Tarzan looks really comfortable the neck might have been a bit sore by the time he woke up. Cute photo. He doesn't look feral at all.

  4. Vicki, when Tarzan was first rescued from the colony, he apeared to be feral and was given the full TNR treatment. But after a bit, his behavior in the colony changed--I think it was the neutering. Anyway, his rescuer took him back and he underwent foster care in our house.

    By that time, we had about decided to keep Ziggy Stardust (who is--at the least--Tarzan's half-brother, and may be his brother). Ziggy came from the colony, but never showed any signs at all of being feral. When he saw Tarzan again, he became so happy that we wound up keeping both of them. This, of course, after I said I would absolutely not have more than two cats.

  5. oh those beautiful bunny feet! Oh, the gorgeous pineapple upside down cake cat tummy and paws! Oh the yummy boy!

  6. Claire, I called him a pineapple upside down cat!
