Friday, June 6, 2008

Friday cat blogging--French Open edition, part 2

Jardin du Luxembourg

Jardin des Plantes

Quai d'Orsay



  1. roarrrrrr!!!!!!!1
    today is Toty and Socks' thirteenth birthday.....I sang happy birthday to them and then burst into tears as it's the first one without their sister triplet the Duchess, who had to be put to sleep a couple of months ago...... :(

  2. It's said that Toty and Socks (and you, of course) don't have their sister with them. I've been through that, and it feels terrible.

    But Happy Birthday to the kitties. Roxie and Velma and Ziggy and Tarzan hope they have a big party like they have, with a deejay and margaritas and all kinds of carrying on.
